This Is Me

I live in a world that is not my own that I succumb to in many ways. I live by a code that leaves me to find joy in the small things in life. Not take advantage of anything. Love and learn from everyone I meet in my journey. And especially to learn what it means to be selfless in more ways I thought possible. I am a Army wife. It is what I do. I have a love hate relationship with what I do. But do I regret it? No way.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Who needs kids anyways!?

Man, have we been put through a major trial...
Any hopes of baby fever have been put to rest for now, thanks to my little lion of a cat, Jax.

We started noticing issues with him when John got home, that we attributed to "change."
Issues, like, just being bad. And change, like, John being home and change of routine.
Kids do this too right?.....hmmm.....

And being bad entails chewing on things, knocking things over, jumping Bella AND Hurley for no apparent reason, hissing at John....well it went one step further a couple weeks ago when he started peeing on things.
Yes, I know it's gross, but he totally unloaded a full bladder on one of our couch cushions that sent me over the edge.
What's the deal cat?!
This wasn't like him at all.
The ONLY other time I could ever thing of him peeing or acting out like this was when John had just left for this last deployment and he just felt the need to pee on Hurley's bed for some non apparent reason.

So, what do we do, well we go to great lengths to save our couch cushions, just for him to pee on the other we spent an entire weekend elbow deep in bleach and any and every remedy we could find so get rid of the odor and stain to try to save our couches....
After the third incident, I call my friend Jeanette in despair...what do I do!?
I ran into my boss at Walmart right after getting off the phone with Jeanette, and luckily for me he had some previous experience with cats and this problem, so I called the vet for little man to get checked out.

John dropped him off first thing on the 11th, and I got a call mid-morning from the vet telling me they did a urinalysis, and he has a pretty bad UTI.
Cats can get that??
But how?
So I got to the vet after work to get the 411.

Apparently there is no real answer to why.
They gave him antibiotics, told me it was now a waiting game and to keep him separated from the other animals for about two weeks until he's kicked it. They told me that as long as he pee's something, that's good, it's when he goes and nothing comes out that it's bad....They also told me maybe I should clean his litter more often....more often than once a day?
Wow, ok.
So we started the week with this new method of Jax quarantined in the office (which we now refer to as Jax's apartment) with his own food, water, litter, everything separate from Bella and anything else that he shared with Hurley.
All was well and good for the next couple days minus a few minor accidents here and there. You could tell he was trying so hard to "be good."
He would go to the litter box and cry while he tried to pee.
He was losing weight....
It was awful.
I cried and cried, not knowing what to do, and not knowing what I could do different to help him....
Is this what being a mom is like?? bueno.

I would go into work looking like a train wreck just from being so upset that I didn't know how to help my poor animal. Luckily for me I work around some cat lovers, so they were helpful in consoling and offering up any ideas they had to help us or him.

Later in the week, I woke up to find some blood in his litter box.
Hit the "Instant Panic" button in the Christian household.
I called the vet and took him in for for tests, etc...
John picked him up this time and came home with paperwork on FLUTD (AKA: Feline Lower Urniary Tract Disease or also called Feline Idiopathic Cystitis), a weeks worth of oral pain med injections, and also some "special" cat food for cats with this disease.

Now the confusing part is all this paperwork about FLUTD expressed how FLUTD is a theory not a known diagnosis. They don't know what causes it, they don't really now how to fix it, and all you can do is change diet, and "wait it out."
So reassuring, especially after $400 in vet bills....for a theory....ugh.
This paperwork also went through all the possible things that could cause a cat to get sick to this level...pretty much it's an imbalance of their hormones in the brain and different things can cause this outcome to become prevalent.
From change in routine (my thought from the beginning) to OCD type things like cats having too MANY toys which is stumping his "nature."
One thing that stuck out to me in this literature, is that believe it or not, cats weren't meant to poop in clay filled boxes, eat processed foods, and be sheltered indoors with stuffed toys all day. It's against their nature. Some cats just can't mentally handle that and amongst many other things, this can cause the hormonal imbalance that no one really understands....

Man I need therapy just typing that out....

This weekend John was gone to Lumberton for a motorcycle safety course he enrolled in, allowing Jax and I, along with my other babies to have a real quiet "normal" weekend (normal in the sense of how things were when J was deployed). I hated that John being home from deployment could be potentially the problem, so while he's been on the mend I've made sure whenever John is home, I put the hyper pup outside and have John given him treats and love on him and it seems to really be working...We got through the whole weekend without any accidents and if anything saw some life come back into my little lion.
Despite some hard core sleeping throughout the weekend, he got his voice back, being the whiney little man that he always once was. I peeked in at him and Bella bathing each other, which hadn't happened in a while. The past couple weeks he'd hiss at her any time she came near him, and to her defense, she actually looked worried for him. I think animals can tell when the others are sick...she would kinda watch over him in a way.
He even got some spunk back and totally goosed Bella when she wasn't paying attention and I had never been so happy to see it happen.

He is still on quarantine and is going to stay that way through this next weekend while we are gone on the 108th Marriage Retreat. We've finished all the pain med injections they gave us, he seems to like the new "special" food he gets to eat...we're just trying to find a routine now that we can swing the three of them in that will work with John and I too.

If this experience and my emotions is ANYTHING like having a child, then I'm officially in for some hard times.
John and I would talk often about how, "is this how we'll be when we have kids?"
We were so serious about finding away to help this poor sick animal.
I was in pain for this cat. I just cried and cried because he was just so helpless and had no voice to let me know what was wrong.
Dang, it's making me tear up to talk about it....
I love my furry babies to death, and if there is one thing I've learned in all this it is, if we was willing to go through all this work for the love of my cat-- then our children are going to have too much love in their lives, if there is such a thing....I'm ok with that. It's reassuring.

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