This Is Me

I live in a world that is not my own that I succumb to in many ways. I live by a code that leaves me to find joy in the small things in life. Not take advantage of anything. Love and learn from everyone I meet in my journey. And especially to learn what it means to be selfless in more ways I thought possible. I am a Army wife. It is what I do. I have a love hate relationship with what I do. But do I regret it? No way.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Brynlee Paige's Dedication Day

One of the big things we wanted to do as soon as we got to Colorado was to dedicate Brynlee.
It took a lot of planning while being on the other side of the country, while moving, while John's in AZ...all to happen within days of us arriving to CO assuming things went according to plan!
Just like everything else we seem to do, I picked a date, committed to it and allowed divine intervention to take the lead and let things fall as they may.
Our wedding was this way when John was deployed and we weren't 100% sure he was going to be there.
Our move was this way, with John being gone during the whole packing process and arriving home in time for me and the babe to just leave him all over again a few days later.
Somehow whenever we're faced with a task that seems ever so daunting, the cards fall the way they may and it makes for amazing memories.

We had visited churches over the years while in NC and landed at Manna for a while. We attended off and on, wanting to get more involved but never able to take the plunge because of John being gone all the time. Once Brynlee was born, needless to say, our attendance fell to the "we'll go on Easter" type of thing and it's something that always bothered us because we were both raised different--yet, when push came to shove, Sunday's might be John's only day off, etc and we totally broke our attendance habits.
Because John and I have never actually lived in CO while dating, engaged, or married, we haven't really claimed a church home there either.

For most people this would seem like a problem when planning a dedication, however, I saw an amazing opportunity.
I designed a dedication invite and sent it out to all our  friends and family--our own handpicked congregation--the people that have always supported us through thick and thin, people we have always been able to call on, and also that would be the backbone of this deployment being a success, not a downfall for our little family.
This was so important to us and we were SO grateful when we virtually had 100% RSVP to participate as our "congregation."
These people consisted of all walks of life for us. Elementary school, middle school, high school, college, Colorado, Oklahoma, North name it, this concoction of our amazing support system took time out of their Sunday to participate and we couldn't feel more humbled or blessed.

Pastor Ed conducted her dedication, who was also the pastor that married us. 
Pastor Ed came from my home church in high school although he was never actually a pastor to me.
He was the mid high pastor while I was in high school and through a weird turn of events I connected more with him than any of the other leadership. He's played a magnificent role in John's and my relationship and it wasn't even a question that he had to be the one to bless our growing family.
We learned the day of the event that his was actually his first baby dedication which made it even that more special for us and him!
John picked out the life verse for Bryn and he did a great job at it.
" strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9.
I had been struggling on a life verse for a while, nothing really jumping out at me or finding any little link that might tie in to how I feel as a new mom, growing family, and as spiritual inspiration for my daughter.
I found this verse among a few others that stood out enough to make it on a paper list and I handed it to John to decide.
He called me from Yuma, during his last week of pre deployment training, and said he picked this one because it was everything he wanted and wished for Brynlee, especially for when he's not able to be there to encourage her himself.
It made perfect sense to me and I was 100% sold.

We also decided to use this event as almost an official introduction of Brynlee to family and friends, most of whom had never met her. It was so great to finally get to do that and John was all but shy when showing off his baby girl.
To make things even more complicated, we also had this event serve as a deployment send off of sorts for some that we knew we probably wouldn't be able to see during leave.
In order for all the circumstances to be viewed in a happy way, we decided to have a BBQ afterwards where we could all sit, relax, watch the Bronco/Steeler game and just enjoy each other's company.
Since the event was at my parents house I wanted to make sure they enjoyed the event, not conducted it, so I hired caterer(s), photographer, and enlisted the Pinterest help of my crafty sister in law for DIY ideas that would leave my parents to enjoy the friend and family community as much as the rest of us!

We did things a little unconventionally for sure, making our own congregation and all, but I don't think it could have gone any better had it been in a church with hundreds of people. I posted a ton of these pictures on FB, so I'll only post a few of the main ones to show you how awesome her dedication was.
Thank you all who were there for coming and supporting us and our little family. We love each and every one of you so dearly and already appreciate so much the love and support we felt not only on that day, but throughout our years and years of friendships with many more years to come!

No worries, Bronco's won. :)

Four generations. :)

Monday, September 24, 2012

We've Moved!!

The infamous move finally took place and although the dust has yet to settle, I think we're on the downhill side of things.
The move couldn't have gone any better considering all the components that were involved.
I had some amazing friends help me with babysitting and packing while I finished getting Bryn's and my stuff as packed as possible. I could NOT have done it without them!
John arrived home from Yuma, late on the 2nd of Sept. We had to have the UHaul trailer of our CO stuff ready to go (packed) by noon-ish the next day, poor man.
Again, we had some friends help us with delivering the trailer, babysitting, and packing it which made the whole process virtually painless.
On Labor Day our neighbor across the street took off with the trailer headed for CO. He's also military and his home base has always been Ft. Carson, CO. He's been TCS'd in NC because of his job in SF and it amazingly worked out that he was going back to Carson the same week we were needing our stuff physically moved. So we worked it out where he would drive our stuff for us which was 60% of the moving battle completely resolved. Amazing how the blessings flow!
Ugh, my poor babies!
The next day my high school partner in crime, Katie H., flew to FAY along with her husband, John's elementary school partner in crime, Scott who surprised John with his arrival. Katie helped me pack up the stuff to go on the plane while Scott helped John with other "man" stuff including some house work The owner of our rental house decided he wanted to come by and meet us while in the middle of packing...sigh...but thanks to our CO friends as well as my live in "brother husband," Jacob Albaeck, we managed to not look completely insane when he arrived.
I think they are going to be just fine!
Next morning Katie, Bryn, Jax, Bella & I were escorted to the FAY airport by our men and were off to CO.
Yes, we flew the cats.
You'll be happy to know that they not only survived being transported as cargo, but have transitioned really well to their new home. :)
Katie's primary "job" was to help me fly with a babe, TONS of luggage, and two cats and I 100% couldn't have done it without her.

Bryn totally surprised all of us, especially me, and was an absolute gem to fly with. She was fascinated with the volume and channel buttons on the armrests and also playing peek-a-boo with the passengers behind us. It honestly couldn't have gone any better. At one point, when landing in Denver, the people in front of us stood up to leave the plane and commented they didn't even know there was a baby behind them.
Hurley pup, such a trooper!
TOTAL proud mama moment, cause she def was awake and being totally ornery the whole ATL-DEN plane ride.
The guys, back in FAY, drove to Raleigh to pick up John's oldest brother, Danny, whom we flew out to NC to help Scott and John with house packing/cleaning and also with the drive to CO in my car, along with Hurley our pup.

Can you see how entertaining this is??
In all, everyone arrived in one piece, our plan working as best it could to get all here, accounted for, and for John to have as much time as possible to enjoy his leave how he saw fit.

Special shout out to all our friends back in NC. We already miss you all greatly and you all know who you are. We/I could not have done anything to make this move possible if it weren't for your willing spirits and hearts there to support not only Brynlee and me, but our little family as we moved away from you. It was hard for me to use your help in knowing that your help meant it was one step closer to us leaving you all. Please know that you are loved, appreciated, and we just can't thank you enough for all of your support through all this.
This deployment will be so different compared to the others since I can't be surrounded by my band of sisters I have always leant on when times get me down in the dumps.
You girls also know you who are, and I cannot express enough how much I value each and everyone of you in our friendships! All of us bring something so unique to our quirky little table of oddballs and I wouldn't have it any other way!!
I don't think I can ever eat at Chic Fil A or Panera without thinking of some random memory of all of us while eating/hanging out there....and as weird as it sounds, even being here away from you all, that makes me happy. I LOVE remembering all those crazy times and this time next year when I'm most likely headed back to NC, we better make up all the lunch dates I missed, assuming you all are still there too!

Love to all of you, and CO....I missed you like woah. This is going to be an absolute BLAST.

REAL mountains...just can't beat it. :)

Our CO address is:
6842 Sproul Lane
COS, CO 80918