This Is Me

I live in a world that is not my own that I succumb to in many ways. I live by a code that leaves me to find joy in the small things in life. Not take advantage of anything. Love and learn from everyone I meet in my journey. And especially to learn what it means to be selfless in more ways I thought possible. I am a Army wife. It is what I do. I have a love hate relationship with what I do. But do I regret it? No way.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Happy Anniversary!!

Hello All!!

First off, happy 6 month anniversary to all of my 108th ladies!
We are half way there and many of us are in countdown mode until our mid tour leave R &R arrives!! How exciting and what an amazing ride it's been so far!
I can honestly say that as far as my end is concerned, it's been a good ride overall so far.
Def had some bumps in the road (car accidents & lawn mowers not starting!) but looking back on the past 6 months it really has gone by quickly and I really am blessed.

I'll be randomly walking around my house, hiking the Cape Fear Trail with Steph & Luke,  or just driving around town and I remember that this time, maybe a year and a half ago, I felt anything but blessed.
I hated my job, I hated Ft. Bragg, I hated Fayetteville, and I HATED North Carolina.
Although I am still fighting some of these inner demons, I am proud to say that I am learning to truly make lemonade out of life's lemons and make it the best adventure possible.
I have a job I love and try so hard, every day, to not take it for granted, no matter how frustrated I get.
I have a house and want for nothing that it doesn't already have in it.
I have a new car that I don't have to worry about breaking down or having issues with (even if it has been "hit" twice!).
I have three awesome pets that I wouldn't trade the world for. They really are my saving grace while John is gone. These three furry babies are what keep me extremely entertained on a daily basis and I am so blessed to have these little creatures in my life to keep me smiling and laughing. Even if I am home by myself!
I also have an amazing husband who, although I haven't seen him  in the last 6 months, still manages to make me feel like a rockstar-even if he is on the other side of the world.
The Army life has turned me into this person that can go on with her day-to-day activities and not even spend a second thought on worry what John may or not be doing while deployed. We both find an amazing solace in the fact that we can both focus on our jobs and our day-to-day rituals and not have that little bug in the back of your mind wondering if the other one is ok, or what they are doing...

I guess you could say it's what 100% trust feels like, and I am telling you that it is so RELIEVING!

I could go on and on, so I won't bore you, but the one other thing in my life that I have realized more and more that I am blessed by are my friends and family.
These cover several categories, starting with not only friends, but my military wife friends.

We are all rockstars in our own right and not everyone in this world can do what we do. We are a special "breed" of women, in my opinion, that cannot only find small joys when we are alone, but also can make joy extra special when we aren't.
As bad as this may sound, I so bad want to challenge all those women that whine, complain, and miss their hubs who are gone for a weekend, or even a week, or a month for work............
Please.....story of my life.....the world's smallest violin is playing sorrowfully for you somewhere, just not anywhere near here. :)

Then there are my non-military wife friends. It seems no matter how far apart we have scattered since high school/college, we all still manage to pick up where we left off when we do get to see each other. I love it. I do miss the fun times of when we all were together, but hey, we have our big kid panties on now, so let's rock it from a distance. :)

Then my fam.
They are so quirky and I heart it.
Everyone always secretly thinks their family is crazy.
Come on, at least a little bit!
I, however, will openly admit that we are all crazy and I think we all take pride in that fact.
We like to substitute the word "crazy" for "unique," but hey "potato, potato."

Anyways, here goes to the next couple months as we all get to experience our two week R&R's and then look on forward to their return home...:)

1 comment:

Laurie Tomlinson said...

yayyyy! happy anniversary! may the next six months fly by seamlessly. keep looking for the beauty in life and appreciating the little things. you are such an amazing woman!