On Sunday the 21st of November, I not only turned the horrid age of 26 (LOL!!) but our newest niece was born (Emery Lynn) AND John came home for his mid tour leave!
I couldn't believe it had been eight months.
I sat in the waiting area at the Fayetteville Airport, completely forgetting about my own birthday (maybe subconsciously it was on purpose?), just going over through my mind how long these eight months had been. The minute I saw him step around the corner, my heart leapt with joy. THIS is what I had been waiting for. THIS moment, was what made those eight long months worth it.
All those wives out there that whine and pine about "I've never been alone from my husband for longer than a DAY, I'm so lonely...."
Yeah, they can outright suck it.
I mean that too. With love and a smile, of course. :)
According to John, I talked his ear off the first couple hours.
I don't remember it being that way, but it's all good.
We went home from the airport and reintegrating him to the animals was hilarious.
Jax was the first to see him and he just puffed up his tail and ran away.
Oddly enough Bella walked right up to him and nose kissed him, it was precious. :)
I had put Hurley outside so he wouldn't go psycho when John walked in and, well, John just got smothered in puppy hugs and kisses. It was PRECIOUS.
Amidst all these economic hard times people are going through, I don't think people understand what the refocus of the war/or lack there of is going to do to our economy as well. There's civilian unemployment which is about to be bombarded by military unemployment as the military starts kicking people out who are not assets.
It's already started and people are so glib to not notice or ponder all this in the grand scheme of things. Government layoffs if you really look at it.
Anyways, off my soap box (for now!).......
Luckily for us, John is an NCO and has options and we are just weighing them out. We both know some changes are ahead and we aren't sure which one will hit us first, but at least we know they are coming!
The day before Thanksgiving John and I flew to Colorado to spend the holiday's with our families. It was so great to see everyone!
We had Thanksgiving dinner that night with my family and then a Thanksgiving day brunch with them as well. John and I then travelled to his brother's house where they were hosting Thanksgiving Day dinner, Christian style...meaning....the most organized pandemonium you will ever see. ;)
Emery Lynn Christian-4 days old! |
We all survived, barely.
John's dad came into town with his new wife and daughters (John's half sister's I guess!) to meet John. John THE only one who hadn't met them so far and they are getting stationed to Germany here in the next couple months, so they made the trip to come see him.
On the infamous Black Friday, John and I went out to lunch with our high school friends, Scott & Katie. They are so awesome. They are the type of friends that you can not feel obligated to call ALL the time about everything, but when you finally get to talk or hang out, it's as if you never left. It rocks.
Well, we persuaded Scott to go to Best Buy with us to educate us on cameras (my birthday present from John). Well of course I got distracted by the Mac area and before I knew it we were at a Mac store buying one. :)
It was glorious. Mac-a-licious.
Yup. I said it.
As a matter of fact, I am writing this blog post on it. :)
We bought it as an investment, to be 100% honest.
We are compromising technically.
We have been talking about starting a family soon, but haven't been able to agree on me staying home or not. I don't want too, he wants me too.
SOOO, buying a iMac (the CS5 is on it's way for Christmas!!!) was a way for me to hopefully continue my graphic design work from home. If and when that time comes!!! So yeah...it's justified...
So what if right now I am working more on my iTunes??
Priorities for the time being. :)
It sure makes Skyping with John fun! I feel like I am talking to a movie theater screen!
On Saturday until Monday, John and I left the Springs for some alone time in Breckenridge. We went to the awesome Great Divide Lodge (we went there after our wedding) and did some skiing. Sadly our camera died while on the run, so no pics. :( We rocked it though.
John fell twice.
The last couple days in CO we just made the rounds seeing people, getting an overload of overdue Chipotle for every other meal, and just having a great time.
Even made it out to Garden of the Gods real quick, just for memory's sake.
Last but not least, gotta see my girl Kristen. :) Woop woop!!
We were so glad to get home though!
We got back on Wednesday night and I had taken off the rest of the week from work, so we just had FUN.
Went and saw the new Harry Potter movie. Good times.
John did some yard work and shmoozed with the neighbor that 's been awesomely mowing our lawn while he's been gone. :)
I made John some of my new "healthy" meals and either he lied straight to my face or he liked them a lot more than he thought he would. :)
I went back to work on Monday and had a half day Tuesday to take John to the airport to go back to Iraq. :( Very bittersweet.
You never really know what to say in those final moments before they walk away. We have this thing where I don't go into the airport with him, it's a drive and drop off kinda thing. But it was all good. Only a couple more months to go and he'll be home for good for a while. There's definitely a silver lining.
The downside is the next day I spent good money getting my mouth tortured by the dentist. While mistakingly scheduling this procedure for the beginning of the day instead of end, I was on my way to work, drooling, half my face numb......these are the moments it sucks to be alone.
Luckily Steph and lil man, Lucas brought me over Panera soup that night so I could eat SOMETHIING. :)
So here I am, two weeks later, with a pile of his laundry and some awesome pictures to remind me he was here. It's like it was a two week coma/dream, and when I woke up it was as if he was never here. That sucks.
But I have these special memories and moments stored in my thoughts and my heart. At times they seem a figment of the imagination, but I remember how real they were...regardless of how scared the animals were of it! ;)
Now on to Christmas adventures.....:)
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