This Is Me

I live in a world that is not my own that I succumb to in many ways. I live by a code that leaves me to find joy in the small things in life. Not take advantage of anything. Love and learn from everyone I meet in my journey. And especially to learn what it means to be selfless in more ways I thought possible. I am a Army wife. It is what I do. I have a love hate relationship with what I do. But do I regret it? No way.

Monday, January 31, 2011

A Time of Two's.......

Tomorrow is FEBRUARY!
This kicks off my "two" theme considering it's the second month of the year....
Usually, most people--single people anyways--loathe this month with the inevitable V-Day, but for me, it's the last FULL month of deployment, so I could honestly care less about Valentines Day.
Of course us military wives are planning to get together and splurge on some holiday indulgences, but other than that, it's not even crossing my mind.
I keep telling John that this deployment, despite its moments, has gone by really fast for me. He disagrees, of course, but I can attribute its quick lapse of time to work, friends, and the support I have had from all you friends and my family.
This was a totally different rodeo than last time thanks to those aspects in my life, and I'm so appreciative of it.

I have some awesome news concerning my healthy lifestyle change. Continuing my "two" theme, I'm proud to announce (and I have no shame in a tad bit of bragging) that I purchased my first size 2 jeans last week. HOORAY! I never thought I'd get to this point. I had actually succumb to the frame of mind that since I'm a tad older, setting a goal like this might not be plausible. However a couple weeks ago I noticed I was sporting the saggy crotch and bum thing again, and I debated going shopping for new jeans because I didn't want to possibly jinx myself, but it was getting to the point where I could pull down some of my size fours without unbuttoning them, so off I went. The two's are still a tad tight, but not uncomfortable.
As of this weekends weigh in, I've lost 33 pounds this deployment--give or take. I still have my ultimate goal of getting to my "wedding weight" by the time John gets home, so I still need to loose 4-8 lbs, but if I don't it won't be a big deal, I'm happy with what I have accomplished.

Besides work, my time consists of coming up with spring and summer plans. I have two weddings this summer, all the while trying to plan some type of vacation for John and I once he gets home. That's still currently a work in progress though.
I am excited John will be home for his birthday this year! Since John has joined the Army he's been either deployed or at a school for his birthdays, and although his birthday weekend runs into one of my summer weddings, we're going to make it happen.

John and I are going to have to purchase him a car when he gets home and had determined a budget before he deployed. Well, after going through this deployment and ready to get the heck out of there, we've decided it's John's turn to also get a "toy."
(Mine was the new Mac and CS5 software).
Well of course, that toy, John decided it's going to be a motorcycle.
I agreed to it, believe it or not, mainly because I feel like John is entitled to a "toy."
When I first agreed to John getting a toy, I didn't really think a motorcycle would be it, but of course, as fate would have it, he found a good deal through a friend he's deployed with, and well, things fell into place. A little too quick if you ask me...I think it was planned from the beginning....Haha...We'll see how it AND a car purchase pans out....

John will get three weeks of block leave once he gets home. I'm excited FOR him and this free time. He needs it. I will probably be working for the majority of it, minus some vacation time for us, but we both think it's ok that way. He's going to be having to get used to things back home again and we both think it might be easier if he figures it out himself a little bit. Plus he'll have the animals there to entertain him.

Now that John has re-enlisted I've begun to get excited and scared about changing company's this year.
We've been with the 108th MP CO for 5 years, as of this summer, and it's all I've known. We've hung around the same people with the same commonality and it's become very comfortable.
Which in Army terms means it's time to shake it up.
Part of me wishes that changing company's meant moving somewhere else....why tease me by making us be across the street from everyone that we know, but not being able to join them anymore???
The way I am choosing to look at it is that friends are friends, so I will def hang out with my usual girls from the 108th, regardless. But at the same time, I can't voice my opinion for the FRG anymore and our husband's jobs will be different, so no relation that way. During this deployment we used each other for advice and to bounce ideas off of, now it'll be a little different depending on what it is.....

Here I am again, being a worrier and playing the "what if" game, but hey, the Army has made me this way. I'm excited for the opportunities it may bring to new horizons of people and experiences, but also timid for the unknown. Pretty normal, right?
Luckily for me I have some time to warm up to the idea....John doesn't leave for school until the end of this summer, and will be gone three months, so I technically have until this fall to figure out my stance on it all.
Overall, I keep reminding myself that I am so blessed in multiple ways. I have a hard working husband who wants to advance in his career, who doesn't make career decisions without my blessing, who considers what these moves will do to me, more than he will look at what he will get out of it. I have a great job and so does he, and the job security is worth it beyond measure.

I guess you can say life is pretty good right now. Def looking at the glass as half full. :)