The first countdown of several, that is.
This time next week I could very possibly be hanging out with my husband. :)
Considering that this time next week I will also be turning 26 just leaves the end of November and the waltz into December a crazy one.
In a good way. :)
Other countdowns....
....until our second neice enters this world.....
....until Thanksgiving...yum food!....
....until Christmas, I'm getting to go back to CO....
....until March/April when John is HOME, home.
Lots of good times to look forward too.
I can't believe it's been 7 months without seeing that man.
There are times where it feels like it's flown by.
There are times where I thought a single day would NEVER end.
By the time leave is over and John heads back to the "sandbox," it will have been 8 months down with only 4 to go.
Shoot, I can do that in my sleep. ;)
On another note, I have to brag for a minute.
I am only 2-3 pounds away from the 30 lbs. lost mark.
Thank you, thank you.
I'm pretty proud myself.
I am still on a slight plateau only averaging a pound lost a week or so.
Now that it's cooled down Steph and I are going to have to find a back up for working out. I made John promise to take me to one of the main post gyms while he is home.
The thought of me going to the gym with him makes us both really happy.
He wanted so bad to help me when I was at my lowest point, but I really needed to jumpstart myself. Now that I've gotten to that point, we both look forward to having this new hobby to do together. :)
On another random note, Panera Bread has finally arrived here in Fayetteville, and it opens this THURSDAY....We are so pumped! I swear we have all been counting down the days. The closest Panera is about 25 minutes away from FAY and it's not uncommon for us wives to caravan ourselves and the kiddos to Aberdeen for a Panera fix. We've even moved our weekly Tuesday night dinner to Thursday for the occasion.
With John gone I've kept him in the loop as far as the progress of Panera sending him pictures here and there. Asking if it's open yet seems to be the one reoccuring question I get asked when we Skype! I have a feeling we'll be there quite a bit while he's home. Now if we had a Chipotle in town, we'd really be in business.
Well here's until next time, which could possibly mean John's already headed back to Iraq at that point.
Hooray for some new memories and having my husband home! Even if it's only for two weeks a year....:)